The Effect of Fishpreneur’s Characteristics on the Utilization of Social Media to Enhance Production and Marketing of Freshwater Aquaculture in Semarang City

Endiva Dian Septiara, Tita Elfitasari, Rosa Amalia


[The Effect of Fishpreneur’s Characteristics on The Utilization of Social Media to Enhance Production and Marketing of Freshwater Aquaculture in Semarang City]. Social media becomes a substantial advantage for society, including fishpreneurs. A fishpreneur can be defined as a small-scale fish farmer with entrepreneurial behavior and who implements innovative actions as well as managerial strategies. Most fishpreneurs still encounter issues such as lack of knowledge and obtaining information. Fishpreneur characteristics can be seen by some aspects such as, build or developing self-branding in fishpreneur’s activities, being financially committed, desiring on pursuing new things, innovative, visionary mindset, willing to take a risk, assertive, and optimistic. Several aspects of marketing and production improvement can be mentioned, namely market segmentation, market analysis, competitor analysis, and promotion. as well as the potential of fishery land resources, the feasibility factor for cultivation, and the level of cultivation technology This study aims to analyze how the fishpreneur’s character impacts the utilization of social media to enhance their production and marketing of aquaculture in Gunung Pati, Semarang. A quantitative approach was used in this research. A set of questionnaires as a measuring tool was carefully developed and validated and were distributed to 23 fish farmers. The result showed a significant effect of fishpreneur’s character on the utilization of social media to enhance production (sig 0,000) and marketing (sig 0.000) of freshwater aquaculture in Semarang City. 


Character; Fishpreneur; Marketing; Production, Social media

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